King’s Cross by Tim Keller

I have confession to make regarding this book, when it arrived from Amazon I was slightly disappointed – it wasn’t what I thought. As I flicked through and realised that it was a series of sermons on Mark’s gospel my heart sunk thinking “not Mark again.”
But as I started to read it – my heart began to delight, as Keller unpacked this well known gospel in a fresh, insightful way. As I read on, there were lots of “Aha” moments as things that had not been seen before were seen and understood for the first time.
As I read I found myself having to stop to praise God, thank him for Jesus. The only disappointment as I read was finishing the book. It is that good!
This book will warm your heart, lift your eyes to see Jesus more clearly, help you see the difference between being religious and being a gospel person, it will give you fresh insights to a well known gospel and it will cause you to praise God for the gospel.