Biblical Counselling

We offer 1:1 counselling for anyone struggling spiritually or with issues such as depression, anxiety, relationship breakdown etc. Biblical Counselling seeks to see the complexity of life and people in the light of the gospel of Jesus to bring change and hope through personal ministry of the word. This is done within the context of the local church whilst also recognising the value of other ‘professional’ help. Here’s a video which explains our approach which in general follows the model of BCUK.


I am interested in having biblical counselling for a particular area of struggle or suffering, what do I do?

Speak to an elder, or the Biblical Counselling Coordinator (Mark) to ask about biblical counselling available at CCHH. You will be asked to have an initial brief conversation with either an elder or the Biblical Counselling Coordinator to discuss the issue(s) you are seeking help for. This initial brief conversation will explore whether biblical counselling within the church would be helpful for you at this time or whether another form of pastoral care might be more appropriate such as a 1 to 1 bible study. If it is thought biblical counselling might be appropriate you will be asked to complete a biblical counselling request form to give some more specific details. Once that form has been discussed between the Biblical Counselling team one of them will be contact you about next steps.

I have a friend who I think would benefit from biblical counselling, what do I do?

Ideally encourage your friend to speak with an elder or the biblical counselling Coordinator. Alternatively, you could speak to a elder or biblical counselling Coordinator on your friend’s behalf initially.

What might be a situation when I might consider biblical counselling?

If you are suffering in a particular way or struggling with a particular issue or facing a repeated pattern of sinning, then biblical counselling might be especially helpful. It allows someone to walk alongside you for a period of time and encourage you to grow in God’s grace by listening to your situation and then bringing the Word of God to bear on your situation. Struggles that people might consider working through in counselling include struggles with feeling low, feeling anxious, anger, family difficulties, marital issues, bereavement, but this is not an exhaustive list.

Who will know I am having biblical counselling?

The biblical counselling Co-Ordinator and the Eldership. You will be encouraged to share with a trusted Christian friend within the church that you are having biblical counselling and to ask that friend to pray for you. It would probably be wise for you to share with your home group leader or small group leader that you are having biblical counselling so that they can pray for you too.

Is it an admission of failure to request biblical counselling?

No. Biblically we are encouraged to bear one another’s burdens, to love one another, to encourage one another and to speak the truth lovingly to one another. This is what we are seeking to carry out with the biblical counselling we provide at CCHH.

Is what I say in my sessions confidential?

Yes, in general, but please ask for the document on confidentiality which answers this question in detail.

Do I have to pay?

No. There is no fee as this is part of the church’s pastoral care; it is one part of the way we do ‘one-anothering’ within the church. At present biblical counselling is offered within the pastoral care structures to those regularly attending CCHH

How long will a counselling session last?

Normally about 1 hour

How many sessions will I need?

We normally suggest a minimum of 6 and then reviewing with your counsellor about next steps which might mean continuing as you are or other appropriate steps to help you.

Can a person who does not attend CCHH have biblical counselling at the church?

We are prepared to consider this but normally we would expect someone to be attending one of the congregations of the church. We would certainly encourage people to regularly attend church if they did start biblical counselling.

If I am coming to biblical counselling does that mean I don’t need to go to church on a Sunday as I am meeting with a Christian regularly?

No. When God saves us He takes us out of the kingdom of darkness and into His family. It’s really important to continue meeting with other Christians to serve others and be encouraged. We see the biblical counselling as a complement to the normal pastoral care structures with the church, not an alternative.

How do I apply?

Use the links from the forms below and give them to someone in Christ Church who co-ordinates Biblical Counselling, normally Mark Ventham

What happens when I fill these forms in?

You will be assigned someone to start meeting with you!
