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Gwen – my God story

My name is Gwen and I was recently Baptised at CCHH to demonstrate the work God has done in my life, and to become an official member of the Church.

I was born in Ghana and came here with my parents when I was 8 years old. I am now a Mum to two lovely boys and it was with them that I had my first introduction to some of the members of Christ Church.

We saw something taking place at Christ Church one day and I felt drawn in.

We soon discovered we were the youngest ones there and found out it was because it was actually a Tea Party taking place, that the Church host regularly for older members of the Church and the local community!

However, we were made to feel most welcome and the feeling I had about the Church and the people attending there was different to any experience I had felt I had had at any previous Church.

I had tried a few different Churches’ locally but none had felt quite ‘right’ for me.

I starting to attend Christ Church, not only attended the Sunday Services but also started joined the Mid-week Women’s Bible Study. There I met many women of all ages and walks of life and we would study the bible and discuss God’s word together.

I also attended the ‘Christianity Explored’ course where I asked many questions and got to know more about Jesus the Son of God, and my need for his salvation.

The preaching, teaching and friendships I was making gave me a deeper grounding in my relationship with Jesus. I believe that Jesus gave up his life for me by dying on the Cross to forgive my sins and give me eternal life.

It does not matter how good you try to be as a person, how charitable you try to be it will never make you good enough in God’s eyes. We all need his love and forgiveness and the only way to receive this is to repent of our sins.

I know that I will not be afraid at the end of my life, as I will be looking to the Cross and have eternal life to look forward to.


  1. Pamela Howard | 11 Oct, 2019

    Dear Gwen, thank you for sharing the wonderful way in which God has worked in your life to bring you into a new, living, relationship with Himself, and into His family. Those of us at the Saltworks tea that Saturday remember the suprise and the pleasure of having you with us. It is such a privilege to be able to look back and see all that the Lord has done in your life since then, and a joy that you are now a member of God’s family at Christ Church.

  2. Caroline J | 12 Oct, 2019

    Lovely Gwen, what a joy hearing your story. What an amazing God we have that He can use an older person’s tea party to reach a young mum 🙂

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