Water from the rock

A short reflection by Stephen Mills
Walking in Switzerland recently around a hydroelectric dam, I came across a spectacular waterfall where millions of gallons of beautiful fresh water feed into this dam to provide hydroelectric power to the residents of the Valais region.
I was drawn back to the picture in the Old Testament where God provides water from the rock! There was sufficient water to take care of over a million people! An amazing provision of the Lord to his people.
That was not all they received – for forty years God provided food in the form of Manna and quails six days out of seven for all those people. The total quantity of food God provided for his people over that time is incalculable!!
He is an amazing God – he provides for us day by day. The water from our taps and what we see on the shelves in the supermarket is ultimately his life sustaining provision for us.
But more than that, Jesus is the rock who was struck by the wrath of God to provide life-giving water for his people – a spring of eternal life flowing to all who will trust him. As we enjoy the many good gifts God gives us let’s make sure we accept the gift of eternal life to those who will accept him as Lord and Saviour.