Thanksgiving Service for New Building

On Sunday morning 12th June 2011 we held a thanksgiving service for our new building.
God graciously helped us to get sufficiently complete to have a great time together welcoming many visitors – more than 200 people including friends from other churches and people from the local community.
The service was led by Mark Ventham and later in the service Graham Nicholls preached from 1 Peter 2 about who we are as a church (people building their lives on Jesus Christ) and what we do (worship and witness). This is our aim for Christ Church inside and outside our new building.
You can listen to the sermon here
Marks Sands gave an excellent history of the church since it began in 1936 with some personal memories from our longest standing member Jean Parsons.
Les White gave particular thanks to Steve Collington for his efforts in managing the building project on behalf of the church.
Robert and Jacqui Fernandez led us in prayer giving thanks for the new building and committing our future ministries to the Lord.
We are grateful to Keith Lancaster one of the members of the church for these great photos of our special day. Click on the “thumbnail” image below to see a larger version.