Love Builds Up (1 Corinthians 8:1 to 13)

Graham Nicholls

Paul responding to an issue that the Corinthians must have raised in their letter to him says – you might have knowledge but without love it just leads to pride (vv1-3). You know an idol is nothing and there is only one God but some people might think of them as gods (vv4-8).

So be very careful how you use your knowledge and exercise your rights (vv9-13). Do you have a head full of knowledge or heart full of love? Use spiritual insight lovingly – use your bible knowledge in love.

Do not put people down or judge them for their lack of knowledge.

Be careful how you use your freedom – think about the effects on other people

To listen to Graham Nicholls preaching at Christ Church on Sunday morning 15th March 2015 use the player above..

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Questions for discussion in Community Groups

1. What is the new topic Paul is introducing? Can you remember the background about idols and meat?

2. What is Paul trying to say in v2?

3. How can you use your Bible knowledge and Christian experience to damage others?

4. How can you use your Bible knowledge and experience to build up others?

5. Can you think of modern equivalents to the meat offered to idols or social functions in the pagan temples?

6. How are we to view other Christians (v11,12)? How should this change your way of treating them?

Series: 1 Corinthians (2015)

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