Humanity Series

Here’s the series outline with links for the sermons as they are preached and a summary of the whole series below that.
1. Introducing the creator (part of sermon and summary notes here)
2. Made in his image (sermon here)
3. Made male and female (Sermon here)
4. Marriage: Part of a bigger story (Sermon here)
5. Singleness: Your place in God’s story (Sermon here)
6. Male and female in the family (Sermon here)
7. Male and female in the church (Sermon here)
8. Working and resting for the glory of God (Sermon here)
9. Retirement for the glory of God (Sermon here)
Humanity Series Summary
- In the beginning, God (Genesis 1:1,31; Hebrews 11:3; 2 Timothy 1:9; Psalm 90:2)
- In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and it was good
- Made in his image (Gen 1&2)
- The image of God
- Made rational: Thinking – conscious, abstract, creative. Moral – innate sense right and wrong. Relational – desire to love and be loved
- Made to rule: Mandate to “fill, subdue and rule”
- distorted by the fall
- Image bearers try to be God
- restored in Christ
- a new creature in Christ – as true image bearers (2 Corinthians 3:18)
- Made Male and Female (Gen 1&2)
- God made male and female – alike. Equal in creative status as image bearers together
- God made male and female – different
- equipped for different roles
- fallen: image distorted. Gender wars
- we are different and this is good
- we need to be reformed in the image of Christ
- Marriage – part of a bigger story
- Defined in creation (Gen 2:18-25). Part of creation’s design, not social construct
- One man, one woman in an exclusive and lifelong relationship
- Sex is for marriage only; marriage created for glory not shame
(Eph 5) The bigger story – Christ and the Church, Intimate unity v23, Passionate, self sacrificial love v25, Exclusive devotion with a purpose v26, Glory and beauty to come v27, and we are part of this bigger love story! - Implications for marriages (Eph 5)
- Reflecting Christ and the Church as redeemed people
- Reinforces Genesis 2 principles
- Mutual submission to Christ and one another, complementary rather than symmetrical, A passionate and self-sacrificial love
- Male and Female in the home
- A difference in role is signalled right at the beginning (revision of Gen 1-3)
- God makes male and female alike but different
- Command to wives: submit to your husbands (Eph 5:22)
- Submit
- Do it as to the Lord
- Do it in everything
- Husbands love your wives (25)
- Loving Leadership
- Modelled on Christ’s love
- With care and consideration (also 1 Peter 3:7)
- Male and Female in the church (1 Tim 2:8-3:2)
- Women and Men have different roles
- Not appropriate for women to teach a man or have authority over a man
- v13 – God created Adam first
- v14 – Events of the fall that reverse the created order
- v15 Embrace our unique roles!
- Authority reflected in a culturally appropriate manner
- Titus 2:3-5. Older women teach younger women
- Titus cannot model what it means to be a godly woman!
- Vital role in the church otherwise the word of God is maligned
- Men and Women are equally valued before the Lord and saved in exactly the same manner. We have though different roles given to us by God seen through the creative order
- Because of these roles, men are to lead & teach the church; Women are not permitted to teach or have authority over men.
- Women are encouraged to speak, pray, prophesy but doing so reflecting the creative order
- Apart from that which is prohibitive, it must mean there is great freedom for women to serve in a wide range of ministries
- Failure to uphold these roles means the gospel is maligned and chaos ensues
- Practical ways it is expressed at CCHH: Male leadership
- Overcome social stereotypes
- Men and Women serving together in various ways for the glory of God
- Work and Rest for the glory of God
- Created for work and rest
- Fallen in work and rest
- Redeemed to work and rest
- Work hard – it means something
- Rest – delight in God’s creation, rejoice in salvation
- Retirement
- Older age is to be esteemed, honoured, valued
- Wisdom (Job 12:12; 1 Kg 12; James 1:2-4)
- Glory (Provs 16:21; 20:29; Lev 19:32)
- Weakness (Psalm 71:19; Eccl 12:3-6)
- These are all signs of the cross. Not only the themes of later life but all of life. The whole of the Christian life is Cross-shaped
- This is not a line we cross but a scale we move up
- Fight the good fight to the end
- Two dangers
- Perseverance is unnecessary (Mk 13:13; Hebs 12:14; Gal 6:8-9; 2 Tim 4:7)
- Perseverance keeps God on our side (Roms 8:1; 8:39)
- Serving (Ps 71:18; Titus 2:3-5)
- Proclaiming Christ
- Discipleship
- We all have a part to play
- Don’t waste your life!
- Two dangers