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Church Gift Day 2024

Our church financial year ends in December and we expect that we will have spent more than we have received in gifts and other income and will have an “operating deficit” of around £8,000.
We are giving an opportunity for anyone to make a one off donation to clear that deficit over the weekend of Sunday 26th November. Here is how you can give:
Bank Transfer
You could make transfer at any time over the weekend. Our bank details are.
Bank: HSBC
Sort code: 40-11-65
Account number: 30116173
By cash or cheque
This Sunday you could make a donation by Cash or cheque, placed in the black ‘gift’ box in the welcome area at WPPA (on the rack that holds the Bibles)
Please make cheque payable to ‘Christ Church Haywards Heath’.
Please use the reference “Deficit23”
If you qualify for gift aid and have not made a gift aid declaration all the instructions are here