Thought for the Day – Old Habits Die Hard
Stephen Nicholls shares his Thought For The Day for today, ‘Old Habits Die Hard’.
It’s based on Jeremiah 13 & 17.
Here are some excerpts from the book of Jeremiah.
And if you ask yourself,
‘Why has this happened to me?’
– it is because of your many sins
that your skirts have been torn off
and your body ill-treated.
Can an Ethiopian change his skin
or a leopard its spots?
Neither can you do good
who are accustomed to doing evil.
Jeremiah 13 vs. 22 – 23
‘The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?’
Jeremiah 17 vs. 9
As we’re all having to adjust to a new way of life, let’s be reminded of the power that God’s word brings to every situation. Every day the elders of Christ Church Haywards Heath will be sharing a short ‘Thought of the Day’ as we seek to keep our eyes on our sovereign God.
All our Elders’ Thought for the Days can be found here: