Thought for the Day – keeping the dream alive
Today’s ‘Thought for the Day’ is ‘Keeping the Dream Alive’ based on some words from Jeremiah 51.
“Just as Babylon killed the people of Israel and others throughout the world, so must her people be killed. Get out, all you who have escaped the sword!
Do not stand and watch—flee while you can! Remember the Lord, though you are in a far-off land, and think about your home in Jerusalem.” Jeremiah 51 vs 49 – 50 (NLT)
‘…The hopes we had were much to high; Way out of reach, but we have to try. The game will never be over, Because we’re keeping the dream alive’ (Freiheit – Keeping The Dream Alive, Christmas hit 1988)
The song ‘When We See your Face’ sung by Matthew Whitley at our recent service is also referenced below.