Take delight in the Lord
Psalm 37 verse 4 says
Take delight in the Lord,
and he will give you the desires of your heart.
What does your heart delight in, what gives you the most joy?
We know in our heads that knowing God through his Son is the right answer.
In our best moments we know and feel that to be true. There are times when we are gathered with God’s people and the power of the preached word so persuades us; a song sung with great enthusiasm so moves us; or a heartfelt stirring prayer so unites us with a loud Amen that we really do know and feel what really matters. There are times when we read God’s word at home, or have time in prayer, or answers to prayer in the midst of great challenges that we know and feel that it is true.
But we continue the futile search for joy in the pursuit of selfish pleasure and self-esteem.
What the Psalmist realised and what I need to keep learning is that taking delight in the Lord is not an alternative to being satisfied but rather it is the ultimate way to find complete and ultimate satisfaction as we delight in him he gives us what we truly need – the secure relationship of love with the Father, the Son and the Spirit.
May you have many times this when you know and feel that to be true.