1 Corinthians 12:12 to 31a : One Body

Mark Ventham

One Body

  • All baptised by one Spirit in one body.
  • All belong.
  • All are needed.

How do I know my part?

Five principles:

  1. Begin with prayer.
  2. Look for passion.
  3. Ask others.
  4. Try them.
  5. Keep trying.

To listen to Mark Ventham preaching at Christ Church on Sunday morning 7th June 2015 use the player above..

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Questions for discussion in Community Groups

Verses 12-13:

1. What does Paul teach about receiving the Holy Spirit?

2. When does this occur? How can we be certain this is true from what Paul teaches in 1 Corinthians chapter 12?

Verses 14-20:

3. What is it Paul wants to emphasise in these verses and why?

4. How does Paul use the image of the body to teach this?

5. How might we struggle to belong and why?

6. How would you encourage someone who does not feel they belong? What scriptures might you apply? What are the dangers of not belonging both for the individual concerned and the church?

Verses 21:31:

7. What is it Paul wants to emphasise in these verses and why?

8. How does Paul use the image of the body to teach this?

9. How might we struggle to feel needed and why?

10. How would you encourage someone who does not feel they are needed? What scriptures might you apply? What are the dangers of not playing your part both for the individual contender and the church?

11. What is the larger purpose of gifts? How does Paul remind us of this and how does this help us in discerning what our gifts are?


Series: 1 Corinthians (2015)

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