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Pray for Ukraine

It is distressing to hearing the news today about Russia invading the Ukraine. As far as we can tell, this is a hostile, unprovoked and unjustified attack on a democratic independent nation state. We therefore do not believe it is in any way a legitimate and will cause unnecessary suffering and loss of life. We want to encourage churches to pray:
  • For the people or Ukraine as they suffer
  • For Ukrainian people in the UK who will be anxious about relatives in their home country
  • For world leaders to make a wise, brave and effective response
  • For the Lord in his mercy to stay the hand of evil and being about peace
  • That this conflict might not escalate to a broader European war
  • That we, God’s people might stand up for justice, comfort those who mourn but most especially that we would show our steady faith and trust in a sovereign, merciful God
  • That we, recognise that we live in a fallen world where wars and rumours of wars will continue until Christ comes and brings about a permanent peace.
  • For the church to point people to Jesus the prince of peace and our only hope in life and death
  • That God would glorified as many turn to him in their distress

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