Ordinary – Episode 9 – Bible reading

Ordinary is a podcast that aims to help Christians live for Christ in everyday life. Each week Josh Bannister talks to Graham Nicholls and Mark Ventham, pastors at Christ Church Haywards Heath, in West Sussex, England.

This week on the podcast, we’re talking about Bible reading – but wait! Don’t switch off! It’s not going to be 30 minutes of guilt tripping as you listen to two perfect pastors talk about how many hours per day they spend reading the Bible. Graham and Mark can help us see why reading the Bible is central to the Christian life, and we talk honestly about some of the road blocks that we all face when trying to be consistent with reading. And then we share a few tips and techniques we use in our own lives.

If you want to get in touch, if you have questions, feedback, or suggestions for topics you want us to talk about in the future, email us at ordinary@cchh.org.uk

Next week: Forgiveness

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