Ordinary – Episode 2 – Evangelism

Ordinary is a podcast that aims to help Christians live for Christ in everyday life. Each week Josh Bannister talks to Graham Nicholls and Mark Ventham, pastors at Christ Church Haywards Heath, in West Sussex, England.
This week we talk about evangelism: what evangelism looks like, how the church as a whole does evangelism, and about how we as individuals can, and should, be actively evangelising – in whatever context God has placed us.
Mentioned in this week’s show: The organisation Graham works with is called Affinity (affinity.org.uk) and Josh’s band are Lion of Judah – find them on Spotify, SoundCloud and Facebook.
If you want to get in touch, if you have questions, feedback, or suggestions for topics you want us to talk about in the future, email us at ordinary@cchh.org.uk
Next week: Prayer