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One step up the ladder

How would you score yourself for your boldness in speaking to people about Christ, for telling them about God and the gospel?

Suppose a score of 10 means that you are always telling people about God’s salvation plan: You never miss an opportunity and you have led many people to bow the knee to king Jesus but 0 means that you never utter one syllable about your God. No-one knows you’re a Christian and no-one has heard your testimony.

On Sunday, as we continue our series in Daniel we will think about the bravery of three exiles who told the most powerful man in the world that they would not obey him because they worshipped the true God. I guess they get a 10?!

I am afraid I would not get a 10. Not sure if I’d get over 5. How about you?

It’s easy to despair when we reflect on our failures to evangelise but we need to remember that the Christian life is about growth and development. It’s about pressing on, realising we have not obtained the goal of all we would want to be for Christ.

So a helpful thought might be to say that whatever my score is currently, what would it take to get me to the next level. To go from a 3 to a 4, or from a 6 to an 8? What preparation can I make? What target can I set for myself? How can I be praying and calling on other to pray for me?

I want to be bold like Shadrach Meshach and Abednego but maybe I need to start in primary school taking bold baby steps and praying God would help me learn to walk.

Thanks to Jim Partridge of King’s Church for this idea, that I think he heard at Willow Creek

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