COVID-19 – Our Response

As of 12th July a limited group will be meeting in person subject to government guidelines. You can read all about it here

As we seek to honour the intention of the government advice as good citizens and to love and care for each other we have cancelled all our church gatherings, small groups, and all other meetings until further notice.

Church staff will continue to work where they can do so safely, observing the government advice and protocols.

How is Christ Church worshipping together during this time?

On Sundays at 10:30 am, we are gathering for our Virtual Service, a live streamed worship service featuring prayer, Bible reading, worship, a sermon, and more. During the production of these services, we adhere to the Government’s guidance and practise social distancing. You can find the latest service, information on how to get connected and sermon outlines at, which will be updated weekly on Fridays.

Our Community Groups, Youth and Children’s Groups and other teams are using technology to enable online meetings for prayer, Bible study and planning. Please email for more information or if you would like to access these services.

More information on our response to COVID-19

Graham Nicholls, one of the leaders at Christ Church, has put together a video highlighting how we can seek to pastorally care for each other while maintaining social distancing.

Supporting the local community

John Pierce, a member of Christ Church Haywards Heath, gives some details about how we can get involved with supporting those in Haywards Heath during this challenging time.

There is a local WhatsApp group for volunteers where our local coordinator Michael Norris will post requests for assistance, some with little notice, others with a day or two.

If you are interested in joining the WhatsApp groups send an email to or to Michael Norris at and they will send you the relevant details.
