500 year old wisdom about the Bible
As we approach another Sunday together as God’s people some great words from Thomas Cranmer, written in the 16th century
Holy Scripture fully contains what we ought to do and what to avoid, what to believe, what to love, and what to look forward to.
In those books we shall find the Father, from whom, the Son, by whom, and the Holy Spirit, in whom, all things have their being and sustaining.
In these books we may learn to know ourselves: how vile and miserable we be; and also to know God, how good he is of himself, and how he makes us partakers of his goodness. We may learn also in these books to know God’s will and pleasure, as much as for this present time is right for us to know.
Those that are ignorant may there learn and have knowledge. Those that are hard-hearted and obstinate sinners shall there find everlasting torments prepared of God’s justice, to make them afraid and to soften them. They that are oppressed with misery in this world shall there find relief in the promises of everlasting life, to their great consolation and comfort. Those wounded by the devil unto death shall find there medicine, whereby they may be restored again unto health.
Scripture is our plentiful supply to teach any truth or reprove false doctrine, to rebuke any vice, to commend any virtue, to give good counsel, to comfort, or to exhort, or to do any other thing requisite for our salvation.
These books ought therefore ought to be much in our hands, in our eyes in our ears and in our mouths, but most of all in our hearts.
[Taken from Explore by the Book series from the Good Book Company]