Children and families are welcome at Christ Church

Our aim is to help children come to know Jesus as their Lord and Saviour so that they can love God and live as his children day by day and as part of the church family.

In all that we do for children and families, we hope to build strong relationships, teach the Bible clearly, have fun and enjoy being together.

We take seriously our responsibilities towards children in our care.  The church has a Safeguarding Policy which applies to all our groups.  All leaders and helpers are chosen for their roles and are DBS checked as required.

Family Discipleship

God calls parents to play a vital role in discipling the next generation. We recognise that this is a very challenging role, especially in our secular culture, so we want to support parents by running age-appropriate groups on Sundays and mid-week, as well as recommending resources to use at home and running regular parenting and marriage courses.

Groups for children and young people

Each group is targeted at a different age range, so that we can learn from the Bible and have fun together in a way which suits our age and where we’re at in our walk with Jesus.

For more information about any of the groups please contact Sarah McQuaker (for children up to Year 5) or Keturah Adshead (for Years 6 to 13)

Family Sunday Worship

10:30am – Children’s groups for all ages

We meet with the rest of the church family at Warden Park Primary Academy and enjoy being together for the start of the service.  We then leave the service for our groups, in which we enjoy learning from the Bible with age-appropriate activities.

Children will need to bring warm layers, and are welcome to bring their own drink in a bottle.  We will provide a biscuit snack.

We ask parents to complete a consent form, which gives us essential information to help us care well for the children as well as in case of emergency.  If you would like to do this before arriving, please email Sarah McQuaker.  

Sunday children’s groups

Creche – Babies to about 2½ years

First Words – Preschool and Reception

Chattabox – Years 1, 2 & 3

Wise Words – Years 4 & 5

FXtra – Years 5 to 8 (1st and 3rd Sunday of the month only)


Baby & Preschool


At Tots, we love having fun as we grow up and learn about the God who
made us, knows us and loves us. We meet on Thursdays in term time,
from 10-11am, at the Christ Church building on New England Rd.

No booking required, just come along. It’s just £1 to attend and you can pay by contactless.

During lockdown we made weekly videos for kids – watch previous Tots In A Box videos on our Youtube channel.

Reception to Year 5 – Zig-Zag & YoYo

Lots of fun, action and being creative each week as we learn from the
Bible and enjoy being together. We meet in term time, at the Christ
Church building on New England Rd.

Water and a biscuit snack are included in the session. Children in YoYo are encouraged to bring their own water bottles.

If you are interested in coming along please use this sign up form.

To find out more, please email

Reception to Year 2: Zig-Zag – Monday 4:15 – 5:15pm
Year 3 to Year 5: YoYo – Monday 6 – 7pm

Year 6 to Year 13 – FX & Rooted

Year 6 to Year 8: 

FX – Wednesdays at 6:45 – 8.15pm

At Fx we spend time thinking through what the Bible says and how it applies to us and we spend time playing loads of games. FX currently takes place at Christ Church Haywards Heath

FX-tra – Sunday mornings

In FXtra, we seek to keep building gospel maturity. We encourage this age group to be in the main Sunday meeting being part of the church family every other week and then on the alternate Sunday we break out into a small group which studies the same text that will be preached that morning. FX-tra takes place on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month.

Year 9 to Year 13:

Rooted – Thursdays at 6:45 – 9pm

Each week, we take time to dig deep into the Bible, discuss it in small groups and help each other to think through how it applies to our lives every day.

It’s a great opportunity to spend time with friends, make new ones, get stuck into the Bible, pray, chat and play games together. Rooted currently takes place at our building in New England Road.


At Christ Church Haywards Heath we take seriously our responsibilities towards the children in our care. Group leaders are DBS-checked and we work to our Child Safeguarding Policy.

Our children and youth workers are always happy to talk to you if you would like further information, have any questions, or wish to voice any concerns about the groups.

For Safeguarding concerns, contact the Safeguarding Lead – Mark Ventham (07719 866 913) or Deputy – Sarah McQuaker (07906 242 134).
